4. 이불글쓰기방/지식창고(비공개) 2019. 4. 17. 08:43
소위 말해 이알못(이불을 알지 못하는 사람)이라서, 이불을 새롭게 들이고 싶은데 도대체 알 수가 없다. 그래서 나를 위한 이불 용어 정리를 해보려고 한다. 앞으로 계속 알아내는 정보를 업데이트 해야 겠다. 차렵이불 : 솜을 촘촘히 넣어 만든 이불로, 커버와 솜이 분리되지 않음. 봄/가을/겨울 누비이불 : 솜을 누벼서 만든 이불. 봄/여름/가을/겨울 스프레드 : 침대를 감싸는 침대용 패드. 봄/여름 아래는 이불과 관련된 면 관련 정보이다. 극세사 피그먼트 : 천연 염색으로 세탁이 용이. 시어서커 (seersucker) : 줄/격자 무늬, 세탁 용이. 여름 (참고: https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=282465&cid=42822&categoryId=42822) 아사면 :..
3. NoSQL글쓰기방/지식창고(비공개) 2016. 4. 8. 17:54
I think that I am an old-fashioned person in the technology field now even though I worked as a computer engineer before. If I were an engineer in the “Big Data” era, I might not be alive. Anyway, I would like to talk about “NoSQL” today. (One of reasons I am an old-fashioned is I am not the generation of using NoSQL.) Before talking about this, let’s remind RDBMS quickly. [FYI] RDBMS (Relationa..
2. 3n + 1글쓰기방/지식창고(비공개) 2016. 4. 5. 17:07
sources : http://www.programming-challenges.com/pg.php?page=downloadproblem&probid=110101&format=html As I need to break my dead brain recently, I make a goal to solve the problems of Programming Challenges site. When you enter the site, you can see various types of problems we can solve by programming languages (e.g., c or java). In case of JAVA, there were lots of complaints from users, he(?) ..
1. No Title글쓰기방/지식창고(비공개) 2016. 4. 5. 17:00
I had removed all contents from my Tistory Blog before and now I restart to write something again. Today, I’d like to write about my current career and thoughts about it. My current title is a digital data specialist. Just think about the meaning of “specialist”. * Specialist = one who has or involves expert knowledge of a particular area of work, study or medicine Due to the dictionary definiti..