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    글쓰기방/지식창고(비공개) 2016. 4. 5. 17:00

    I had removed all contents from my Tistory Blog before and now I restart to write something again. Today, I’d like to write about my current career and thoughts about it. My current title is a digital data specialist. Just think about the meaning of “specialist”.

    * Specialist = one who has or involves expert knowledge of a particular area of work, study or medicine

    Due to the dictionary definition of the word, “specialist”, I felt ashamed of me when I should introduce myself while meeting new people or others including stakeholders. I always think that I do not have enough knowledge and experience comparing to others who have particular and unique features in their careers and various types of results showing great performance in their works.

    How about “Big Data”? As all you know, we can hear “Big Data” in anywhere and from anybody. This has been a popular topic and we know that there are different types of “Big Data” specialists in technology for gathering, storing, managing, and processing data or in restructuring data or getting insights from data.

    In my case, it is complicated to explain about my role exactly. I spend lots of time to review and monitor several types of data (e.g., user behavior data, 3rd 

    party data or report, and research results) every day. Sometimes I am involved to design data gathering and managing but this is not the task of H/W based. No need to programming languages (e.g., JAVA or C), just utilizing HTML, JS, and JQuery level with specific data analytics tools (e.g., Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics). Sometimes I write reports for making performance. And sometimes I build marketing strategy or planning based on insights from data analysis. Then, how can I call my role exactly?

    It seems that now is the awkward time to me, especially, my career. I am just willing to get any answers (not need to be clear) by myself as soon as possible. 

    The Testing Tree

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